Sunday, July 25, 2004

Assessment of Suicide Risk


  1. Suicide Risk – this is an epidemiological risk; a probability. eg people in rural areas have an increased suicide risk (access to firearms)

  2. Suicidal Intent – this is an assessment of the patient, and their
    ‘seriousness’. Divided into 3 stages:

1. Before

  • Planning: did the patient plan the suicide for a long time, make arrangements
    for pets, sort out wills, buy right tools, etc; or did the patient impulsively
    commit the act

  • Location: did the pt choose a place easy or difficult to find? eg in a public place?

  • Timing: Did the pt ensure that it would occur at a time when nobody was likely to find the body?

2. The Event

  • Lethality: How lethal was the attempt? eg overdose vs firearms. Guns and hangings are more lethal.

  • Patient’s Judgement? Especially in children or mentally handicapped pts. Did they actually think they were being lethal? eg a child may think that eating 2 panadols would kill them.

3. Post-Event

  • Ruefulness: Did the pt regret attempting suicide? Were they glad they failed?

  • Anger at failing: On the other hand, was the pt angry that they failed?
    “I can’t even commit suicide properly. I’m such a failure” – watch out for these pts!

  • Suicide Note: May give an insight into the pt’s mental state at the time of the attempt. Were they psychotic? Had they arranged everything inadvance?


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