Monday, July 26, 2004

Dementia? Delirium?

Nothing much today. PBL in the morning. The topic this week is organic brain disorders - which pretty much means delirium and dementia.

delirium vs. dementia

  • mode of onset: acute or subacute (Del); chronic or subacute (Dem)

  • poor attention: characteristic (Del); late event (Dem)

  • conscious level: often affected - may be wild fluctuations (Del); normal (Dem)

  • hallucinations and misinterpretations: common (Del); late events (Dem)

  • fear, agitation and aggression: common (Del); not common in the early stages (Dem)

  • totally disorganised thought with palpably unreal ideas: common - often flight of ideas (Del); late feature - usually poverty of thought (Dem)

  • motor signs: postural tremor, myoclonus, asterixis (Del); none, or late feature (Dem)

  • speech: slurred (Del); normal (Dem)

  • dysphasia: none (Del); often present (Dem)

  • dysgraphia: often prominent (Del); if present, in keeping with degree of dementia (Dem)

  • short and long term memomy: poor (Del); often normal until late (Dem)

Key: Del = delirium; Dem = dementia

For some reason, I was late again today. I'm having trouble waking up - I keep ignoring my alarm clock and going back to sleep, only to wake up again 2 hours later.

It's a bit of a worry!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ive been through that phase. And still suffer from it from time to time. Not sure if you feel the same way as I do but sometimes when i know i have to wake up at a certain time i set my alarm clock and when it goes off, my mind hears it but it doesnt click to my head that my alarm clock is going off. it feels like a noise to my ears, so i click the button on my phone to shut it off. My alarm is set to go off about 2 to 3 times and even then its still noise to my ears and i ignore it and go back to my deep sleep. When it goes off my mind is still in deep sleep but all i hear is a noise. And i cant get my mind to click and tell myself thats its my alarm going off and i should wake up.

3/05/2011 02:17:00 pm  

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