Saturday, May 20, 2006

Are going to specialise? Part 1

People are always asking me: "So you're a medical student. Are you going to specialise?"

It's the bane of my existence. I always say: "No I haven't decided yet. I think I can rule out a few things, like psychiatry and geriatrics though..."

Obviously you would want to chose a specialty that you enjoyed working in, but to be honest, I haven't really found one area of medicine that I'm truly passionate about. Nothing where I could be happy to say, "I could probably do this for the rest of my life".

But it got me thinking - what do I want to do? And what kind of criteria would I use to decide?

There are a few points I would use to decide, over the next few posts I'll go into them a little bit more.

Number 1: The People
I guess the terms I've enjoyed the most have never really been about the work aspect part of it. Generally the mre enjoyable terms have been the ones where the people working there have actually been friendly and approachable - I enjoyed those terms because I enjoyed working with the people there.

For example, last year in Paediatrics, we weren't really attached to a team. The workload was really heavy and we had to find patients to clerk by ourselves. This year by contrast, we've each been attached to different Paediatric teams and I've found myself enjoying the term a lot more than last year. The people on my team are really easy to talk to and good to get along with.

Orthopaedics is another example. You could enjoy doing the surgery, ie the actual work - but I could easily see myself getting really annoyed at the people who work in the field, ie the (sometimes) arrogant Orthopaedic Surgeons.

I guess it's made me realise that when you chose a specialty, you're also choosing the people (or type of people, eg surgeons) you're going to be working with for the rest of your life.



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