Sunday, April 10, 2005


There's a bit of a stressful time coming up for me. Just finished writing those case reports on Friday, and handed them in just in time for the 5pm deadline.

It's really stupid how the cases we have to write up are so strict in their presentation. Like, one of them had to be an infant with a fever, and the other one had to be a adolescent with a chronic medical problem... the result is that students fight over patients. Its a hard time for all of us.

Not only that, but there's other stuff we have to do for paeds like the Community Paeds Assignment where we visit one paeds patient in the community. As well as write up another two case reports. And on top of that, I have to resit the GP exam. NOt going to be fun!

It's Sarah's birthday this week and I've also been under the kosh trying to organise that. I hope she enjoys it.


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