Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Surg Term: The Home Stretch

I started my final ever term as a medical student today. It's a bit scary and definitely very daunting thinking about the path that lies ahead of me. In a few short weeks, I will have finished my final exams and officially will become a doctor. Yes that's right - a DOCTOR!

In a way, it's a huge relief to finally end this 6 years of madness, something I went into blindly after a previous 12 years of primary and secondary school. Looking back, I definitely would have put more thought into taking a year off and travelling. Having been on an awesome trip to Europe just this year, I would highly recommend taking some time off to see the world to anybody who is studying a very long course.

So my last term is Surgery at St John of God Subi. Again, this is a new experience for me. I've never ever done an attachment at a private hospital before. In fact, the only time I had ever been inside a private hospital before was when my father was admitted, ironically to SJoGS as well. So my experience as far as this type of healthcare is concerned is fairly limited.

On first impressions, they certainly put a lot of effort into their furnishings. The provate consulting rooms are sumptuous. The whole place reminds me of a hotel or an upmarket shopping centre. In a way it's almost like I'm in an episode of House or something. Beautiful glass doors here, magnificent prices of art there. Totally surreal.

But I'm definitely looking forward to finishing the term, the year, and my degree.



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