Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Exams are FINISHED

My exams are finally over! What seemed like total hell has finally given way to rays of sunshine, and I can get back to enjoying life (excuse the hyperbole). :P

Friday was my last exam - the clinical OSCE, which surprisingly was not as difficult as it could have been. They asked us a lot of stock-standard questions and there was nothing overly tricky about the exam at all (which was a total surprise!). A lot of the questions were repeated from previous years' exams, which we all managed to get our hands on, so most of us should have been adequately prepared.

The written exam on earlier in the week on Monday was a little more difficult. Up until the exam I had been relatively calm about the whole thing, basing my confidence on my ability to do previous years' exams. Unfortunately my confidence was unfounded - and I really hope I passed. The bastards made it a lot harder than last year.

Thursday is the big day when we all get our results, and on Friday we are sworn in as fully-fledged doctors. There will be a lot of nervous medical students on Thursday, hoping that they don't receive the dreaded phone call of doom. I think I will be ok. But only just.

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