So what's been going on with me? Well, lots of things. On a superficial level, I've finished another term. Ophthalmology is over. This leaves Infectious Diseases as the only remaining two weeks between now and exams. It's a tad scary.
Who the hell cares about my exams anyway? I still don't. I've only just realised that I should start studying - and already I can see that I don't have enough time to study everything. It was strange - things just seemed to shift between 'oh there's plenty of time to go' and 'oh crap, there's no more time left'. There was no middle.
And then. Following exams I expect I will have a holiday, whatever that is. I have gotten two weeks off this year, in April. What good did that do? I can't remember. It was that long ago. But after the exams are over I think I have until the end of January. So that gives me roughly 3 months off.
I think I'll learn to play the guitar.
So what else has been happening? Well... I still haven't finished saying what happened during my busy week. It was at the end of psych wasn't it... Yeah. On Monday, or Tuesday (can't remember), I had the Psych Exam. The dreaded psych exam. Where they lock you in a room with a psych patient for an hour and you interview them, diagnose them, and then present your findings to the examiner before they grill you.
Anyway. Mine was fairly straightforward. Major depressive episode. This patient had also had some psychotic episodes. So she also had a past dx of Schizophrenia. Funnily enough I got my mark back recently. 70%. Not bad. Not good.
And then I crashed the car on the Wednesday. Oh yeah. I was driving in to RPH in the morning to get my book signed off by Doc Armstrong, and I was cleaning my windows with the washer thingy. Whilst I was driving. That's not a smart thing to do. I suggest you don't do it. Anyway, I crashed into the back of this white stationwagon. And withing about 10 mins the towtrucks had arrived. And then lots of stuff happened. But I'm currently without a car.
Funnily enough, I may/likely will be getting a car tomorrow. A Holden Astra Classic. The new ones are coming out in December and these ones are going to get superseded. So we're hopefully going to get a demo model, at about 17000 hopefully. And I've paid my 100 buck fine.
And I bought a pink shirt. And I bought Sarah some blue Pumas. She loves them. And I'm very poor now! So poor that I couldn't afford the train ride home today after this evening. I reached into my pocket and there wasn't enough change! Haha. That's something that only happens in movies and videoclips. Anyway I arranged my dad to come pick me up from the trainstation, so that was ok.
And then we had that Summative on Thursday. I was in shock for most of Wednesday, and then I only just passed that test on Thursday. I did, thank God.
So how am I feeling now? Tired. I can't seem to find motivation to study or go to sleep before 1.30am. It's now 12.59am. So I should be sleeping soon.
Got a lot of things weighing on my mind. Exams. ID. OSCE. Car. Holiday perhaps.
Arsenal play tomorrow. Man City should be a good game. No Pires or Berto though. So maybe RvP will get a run out.
Who the hell cares about my exams anyway? I still don't. I've only just realised that I should start studying - and already I can see that I don't have enough time to study everything. It was strange - things just seemed to shift between 'oh there's plenty of time to go' and 'oh crap, there's no more time left'. There was no middle.
And then. Following exams I expect I will have a holiday, whatever that is. I have gotten two weeks off this year, in April. What good did that do? I can't remember. It was that long ago. But after the exams are over I think I have until the end of January. So that gives me roughly 3 months off.
I think I'll learn to play the guitar.
So what else has been happening? Well... I still haven't finished saying what happened during my busy week. It was at the end of psych wasn't it... Yeah. On Monday, or Tuesday (can't remember), I had the Psych Exam. The dreaded psych exam. Where they lock you in a room with a psych patient for an hour and you interview them, diagnose them, and then present your findings to the examiner before they grill you.
Anyway. Mine was fairly straightforward. Major depressive episode. This patient had also had some psychotic episodes. So she also had a past dx of Schizophrenia. Funnily enough I got my mark back recently. 70%. Not bad. Not good.
And then I crashed the car on the Wednesday. Oh yeah. I was driving in to RPH in the morning to get my book signed off by Doc Armstrong, and I was cleaning my windows with the washer thingy. Whilst I was driving. That's not a smart thing to do. I suggest you don't do it. Anyway, I crashed into the back of this white stationwagon. And withing about 10 mins the towtrucks had arrived. And then lots of stuff happened. But I'm currently without a car.
Funnily enough, I may/likely will be getting a car tomorrow. A Holden Astra Classic. The new ones are coming out in December and these ones are going to get superseded. So we're hopefully going to get a demo model, at about 17000 hopefully. And I've paid my 100 buck fine.
And I bought a pink shirt. And I bought Sarah some blue Pumas. She loves them. And I'm very poor now! So poor that I couldn't afford the train ride home today after this evening. I reached into my pocket and there wasn't enough change! Haha. That's something that only happens in movies and videoclips. Anyway I arranged my dad to come pick me up from the trainstation, so that was ok.
And then we had that Summative on Thursday. I was in shock for most of Wednesday, and then I only just passed that test on Thursday. I did, thank God.
So how am I feeling now? Tired. I can't seem to find motivation to study or go to sleep before 1.30am. It's now 12.59am. So I should be sleeping soon.
Got a lot of things weighing on my mind. Exams. ID. OSCE. Car. Holiday perhaps.
Arsenal play tomorrow. Man City should be a good game. No Pires or Berto though. So maybe RvP will get a run out.
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