Friday, April 29, 2005

Paeds ED

Spent the night in ED tonight. It was actually a really good experience, even if I didn't manage to get the surg case I need for next week. Saw some good patients, and some 'interesting' ones. I guess it was a good mix.

There was one girl who came in with this vague right hip/RIF pain that at various points moved across her abdo, and radiated down her leg. She'd been seen by ED staff at another hospital, her GP, chiropractor and had had X-rays done. Nothing was conclusive. The mother was the worst historian, by virtue of being volume-overloaded. She just wouldn't shut up. Every minute detail and insignificant triviality she'd just talk about for ages. It took so damn long to talk to her, the whole ED was running behind schedule! (just kiddding)

Anyway, the docs went and saw her and they looked at her films, which seemed to show a slipepd disc at some level in her lumbar spine. It was still not a cause of her abdo pain and her inability to walk properly or stretch her knee out however. The docs ended up telling her to take some neurofen and that it would get better in a few days. Talk about Munchausen's by proxy!

Before that, we saw this little girl being resuscitated after being rushed to PMH in an ambo. She had been spiking temps for a while and was in the process of being seen by the GP when she lost consciousness and began fitting. Ater trying various methods of controlling the fits, she ended up having to be put under a GA and being transported to ICU. I'd never seen anything like it before in my life!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I'm back!

After a long week, trying desperately to study for this GP exam, I've finally come back to this place. And as yet, there's been no phone call, so that's a good sign that I've passed it, finally. The stupid thing is that they used the same cases as we had last time - I got a lady with sinusitis and tiredness. Worried? I shouldn't have been. I nailed it.


It looks cool, doesn't it. It's some kind of special photography (that takes 4 pics) that I don't know about. But I want to know more!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Been busy

I've been busy. Sarah's surprise birthday was a success! She had no idea what I had planned, which was good.

Anyway, the GP exam is next week and I have started studying. More confidence, less worry should see me through.

I'm taking some 3rd years on a respiratory examination tute today. It should be fun!

Sunday, April 10, 2005


There's a bit of a stressful time coming up for me. Just finished writing those case reports on Friday, and handed them in just in time for the 5pm deadline.

It's really stupid how the cases we have to write up are so strict in their presentation. Like, one of them had to be an infant with a fever, and the other one had to be a adolescent with a chronic medical problem... the result is that students fight over patients. Its a hard time for all of us.

Not only that, but there's other stuff we have to do for paeds like the Community Paeds Assignment where we visit one paeds patient in the community. As well as write up another two case reports. And on top of that, I have to resit the GP exam. NOt going to be fun!

It's Sarah's birthday this week and I've also been under the kosh trying to organise that. I hope she enjoys it.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The inverse of busy

A simple mathematical formula:

1/b = k.B

... where b is representative of how busy I am, and B denotes blog length.
k is a coefficient yet to be determined.

Of course, there are exceptions, but this is formula generally holds true.

Pretty much, it means that the length of my blog is inversely related to how busy I am. So when I have a short blog, I'm pretty busy.

Of course, the exception is when I'm very busy, but wasting time on this stupid thing. Such as now!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

He might be onto something!

Kenneth Yap might be onto something with this post.

Maybe that's what I've been lacking in my life: some effort on my part to get motivated.

In other news, Arsenal defeated Norwich 4-1! And Newcastle have three players sent off as they lose to Villa. Bowyer and Dyer sent off for fighting each other!