Anyway, for a long time, we (me, Sa and Dino) had been wondering whether this guy was French or not. He had a strange accent, which at first sounded Australian, but had something else added to it.
These are the facts:
- He told us once in a tute that English was not his first language.
- When I was walking with him one time he answered his phone and said: "Yep, yep. But don't put them under my normal name. Put them under Jean."
- He took a day off on Bastille Day.
- He says he goes to Paris a lot.
- If there's any French terms in psych, he pronounces them perfectly, such as echo de la pense.
Me: "Before you go, I have a question that has been burning on our minds for a long time.
Him: "What is it?
Me: "We were wondering if you were French or not.
Him: "Actually, I'm from Mauritius; but they do speak French there.
In Mauritius, the official language is English, but everyone on the street speaks Creole or French. It's strange.
His weird accent was because he moved to Sydney first.